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Boone County Soil and Water Conservation District welcomes donations in support of our efforts to conserve, protect, and enhance our resources for current and future generations.

Your tax-deductible donation will help provide funding for our summer intern and technicians, the annually High School scholarship award, annually poster contest, information and education activities and materials, and other endeavors that further soil and water conservation in Boone County!

Level of Support:
Conservationists: $350+
Stewards:  $150-$349
Supporter: $25-$149

To make a donation, send a check payable to "Boone SWCD" and mail or stop by our office:
Boone SWCD
1602 Snedden Drive
Boone, IA 50246

Sponsorships will receive a confirmation letter and will be recognized on here just below this!!!

Boone County Soil and Water Conservation commissioners and staff wish to thank the following contributors for their generous support:







Reach Out to Us!

Boone Field Office

1602 Sneddon Drive 

 Boone, IA 50036

515-432-2316, ext. #3


© 2023 by Boone Soil and Water Conservation District

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